Paints, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, textiles, composites and filters are based on absorptive properties of powders, particles and fibers as well as porous materials. Moreover, the wettability of powders, particles, fibers and porous materials plays a very important role in the quality, stability and performance of many products and formulations.
Contact angle is the primary parameter used to characterize wetting, but for powders, particles, fibers and porous solids, contact angle determination is complicated by the presence of a porous architecture. The sample wettability of samples with porous architecture can be determined by applying liquids to the samples and monitoring the amount and speed of liquid absorption. Suitable instruments for such absorption and wettability determinations are Theta optical tensiometer equipped with a high-speed camera and Sigma force tensiometer.
Langmuir-Blodgett Film
Langmuir-Blodgett technology enables the deposition of single- or multimolecular layers from a liquid surface onto a solid substrate with excellent film structure control. LB is especially well suited for creating highly organized nanoparticle coatings, for example.
Langmuir-Blodgett film (or LB film) can be defined as one or more monolayers of material deposited from a liquid surface onto a solid substrate by dipping the substrate through a floating monolayer at a constant molecular density. LB films are formed by one or several Langmuir films deposited onto a solid surface by vertical dipping of the solid substrate from the gas phase into the liquid phase (or vice versa).
The films obtained by this process can be highly organized, ranging from ultrathin monolayer to multilayer structures built up of hundreds of monolayers.
Most typical LB applications include creating highly organized and controlled nanoparticle coatings on solid substrates. These coatings can be used as an end product in electronics, biomaterials, sensors or functional surfaces for instance.
Repeated deposition can be used to create well-organized multilayers on solid substrates. There are several parameters that affect the type of LB film produced. These include, the nature of the spread film, the sub-phase composition and temperature, the surface pressure during the deposition and the deposition speed, the type and nature of the solid substrate, and the time the solid substrate is stored in air or in the sub-phase between the deposition cycles.
Density, thickness and homogeneity properties are preserved when transferring the Langmuir film onto the substrate, allowing the construction of organized multilayer structures with varying layer composition. Different kind of LB multilayers can be produced and/or obtained by successive deposition of monolayers on the same substrate. The most common type is the Y-type multilayer, which is produced when the monolayer is deposited onto the solid substrate in both up and down directions. When the monolayer is deposited only in the up or down direction the multilayer structure is called either Z-type or X-type. Intermediate structures are sometimes observed for some LB multilayers and they are often referred to as XY-type multilayers.
Controlling the adsorption or rejection of certain types of materials at solid surfaces or liquid interfaces is very important for numerous applications, such as biocompatible surfaces, sensor technologies, cleaning processes as well as emulsion and foam stability.
Adsorption of materials to solid surfaces is highly dependent on the interaction between the solid material as well as the adsorbate, while surface-active agent properties largely influence the behavior and properties of liquid interfaces. New surface-modified materials are being widely employed to create products such as self-cleaning windows, disposable contact lenses, catheters, dental prosthetics and biocompatible implants. The performance of these materials greatly depends on their surface properties.
The speed of adsorption of surface-active agents to liquid or solid interfaces plays a key role in formulations for industrial cleaning processes, as well as stabilization of emulsions and foams for paint, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and mineral processing applications. Attension offers a range of products for both dynamic and static contact angle measurements (Theta and Sigma series) for studying solid surface properties, as well as for dynamic and static surface/interfacial tension measurements (Theta and Sigma series) for liquid formulations containing surface-active agents.
Force tensiometry
Force tensiometry is a powerful and accurate technique to measure static surface tension and interfacial tension of liquids. These direct measurements allow determination of material and surface properties, such as dynamic contact angle, surface free energy.
Force tensiometry provides information necessary for the control, development and modification of liquid and solid surfaces. It enables precise characterization of a number of material properties. Analysis of surface/interfacial tension and contact angles provides valuable information on the interactions between gas, liquid and solid phases. These interactions play a key role in the study of:
Force tensiometry is the method of choice for many industrial standards related to characterization of liquids. It is used in the testing and quality control of insulator and transformer oils in compliance with the standard, ASTM-D971. Force tensiometry is also the most used technique for measuring critical micelle concentration (CMC) for the optimization of surfactant concentration. In addition, it is the only method available for determining the absorption and contact angle of packed powder, pigments or fiber beds with the Washburn method. It is also commonly used for single fiber measurements.
The basic principle of all force tensiometry experiments is to record and analyze the forces exerted onto a probe or solid sample using a sensitive microbalance.
When a solid touches the surface of a liquid, the liquid tends to be drawn up in a meniscus. The meniscus creates forces on the solid that are correlated to surface tension. Using probes that completely wet, such as a platinum Du Noüy ring or a Wilhelmy plate, simplifies calculations and enables Sigma Force Tensiometers to precisely measure surface and interfacial tension. Correction calculations for rings are made using models from Huh and Mason (the model from Zuidema & Waters can also be used).
Critical Micelle Concentration
CMC is determined by measuring surface tension of a solution at different concentrations. CMC is the concentration at which the surface tension becomes independent of surfactant concentration.
Dynamic contact angles are measured by dipping a solid into a liquid (advancing contact angle) and then withdrawing (receding contact angle). The forces exerted by the liquid on the sample are recorded and used to calculate the advancing and receding contact angles. The solid samples must have uniform size and surface properties (e.g. single fibers, sensor plate, metal rod). By measuring contact angles with different liquids, the surface free energy of the solid can be defined.
A container filled with powder (or a fiber bundle) is lowered to the liquid level. The instrument monitors the mass change while the liquid wets the powder.
A sedimentation probe is hung from the Sigma microbalance. The instrument records the mass of the sediment collected in the probe over time. The downward movement of particles due to gravity can be studied.
The density probe is pushed through the liquid surface. The forces exerted on the probe are used to calculate the liquid density.
Standard Test Methods
ASTM D1331‑11 Surface and interfacial tension of solutions of surface active agents.
ASTM D971‑12 Interfacial tension of oil against water by the ring method.
ISO 1409:2006 Plastics/rubber — Polymer dispersions and rubber lattices. Determination of surface tension by the ring method.
OECD 115 OECD Guideline for the testing of chemicals. Surface tension of aqueous solutions.
EN 14210 Surface-active agents. Determination of interfacial tension of solutions of surface active agents by the stirrup or ring method.
EN14370 Surface-active agents. Determination of surface tension.
For information about the standard test methods above, see:
Contact angle hysteresis is the difference between the maximum (advancing) and minimum (receding) contact angles. The significance of hysteresis has been the object of much research and can be used to help characterize chemical heterogeneity, roughness and mobility.
Contact angle, θ, is a quantitative measure of wetting of a solid by a liquid. It is defined geometrically as the angle formed by a liquid at the three-phase boundary where a liquid, gas and solid intersect. The well-known Young equation describes the balance at the three-phase contact of solid-liquid and gas.
γsv = γsl + γlv cos θY (1)
The interfacial tensions, γsv, γsl and γlv, form the equilibrium contact angle of wetting, many times referred to as the Young contact angle, θY.
Contact angles can be divided into static and dynamic angles. Static contact angles are measured when a droplet is standing on the surface and the three-phase boundary is not moving. When the three-phase boundary is moving, dynamic contact angles can be measured, and are referred as advancing and receding angles. Contact angle hysteresis is the difference between the advancing and receding contact angles. Contact angle hysteresis arises from the chemical and topographical heterogeneity of the surface, solution impurities absorbing on the surface, or swelling, rearrangement or alteration of the surface by the solvent. Advancing and receding contact angles give the maximum and minimum values that the static contact angle can have on the surface.
Dynamic contact angles and contact angle hysteresis has become a popular topic because of the recent interest in novel super-hydrophobic and self-cleaning surfaces. This is important since small sliding angles are needed for self-cleaning applications. Hysteresis is however also important in other applications such as intrusion of water into porous media, coating, and adsorption at liquid/solid interface.
There are three methods to measure the advancing and receding contact angles, i.e. dynamic contact angles, and thus contact angle hysteresis. Two of the methods use optical tensiometry and one uses force tensiometry.
Optical tensiometry
Dynamic contact angles can be measured by two approaches with optical tensiometers: changing the volume of the droplet or by using tilting cradle. Figure (a) shows the principle of the change in volume method. In short, a small droplet is first formed and placed on the surface. The needle is then brought close to the surface and the volume of the droplet is gradually increased while recording at the same time. This gives the advancing contact angle. The receding angle is measured while the volume of the droplet is gradually decreased. In Figure (b), the principle of the tilting cradle method is shown. The droplet is placed on a surface that is gradually tilted. The advancing angle is measured at the front of the droplet just before the droplet starts to move. The receding contact angle is measured at the back of the droplet, at same time point.
Force tensiometry
Dynamic contact angles can be measured by using Sigma force tensiometer. Force tensiometer measures the mass affecting to the balance when a sample of solid is brought in contact with a test liquid. The contact angle can then be calculated by using the equation below when surface tension of the liquid (γl) and the perimeter of the sample (P) are known.
Wetting force = γl P cos θ
Optical tensiometry
Optical tensiometry is a versatile technique used to characterize material surface properties and interfacial interactions between gas, liquid and solid phases. Optical tensiometers are used in R&D and quality control in a variety of industries, including biomaterials, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, electronics, foods, energy, environment, paper and packaging.
Optical tensiometers are primarily developed for the measurement of contact angles and surface free energy. They are also capable of determining surface tension, interfacial tension, 3D surface roughness and interfacial rheology.
Measuring surface tension, interfacial tension, contact angles or surface roughness provides information on material properties such as wettability, absorption, surface free energy, adsorption, spreading, cleanliness, surface heterogeneity and interfacial rheology Information on these properties is pivotal when studying and developing engineered surfaces and technical liquids, and when controlling solid surface and liquid quality.
Optical tensiometers capture drop images and automatically analyze the drop shape as a function of time. The drop shape is function of surface tension of liquid, gravity and the density difference between sample liquid and the surrounding medium. On a solid, the liquid forms a drop with a contact angle that also depends on the solid’s surface free energy. The captured image is analyzed with a drop profile fitting method to determine contact angle and surface tension.
TM D733‑08 Surface wettability of coatings, substrates, pigments by advancing contact angle measurement.
ASTM D7490‑08 Surface tension of solid coatings, substrates and pigments using contact angle measurements.
ASTM D5946‑09 Corona treated polymer films using water contact angle measurements.
ASTM C813‑90 Hydrophobic contamination on glass by contact angle measurement.
ASTM G205‑10 Determining corrosivity of crude oil.
ISO 15989:2004 Plastics — Film and sheeting. Water-contact angle of corona-treated films.
ISO 27448:2009 Fine ceramics. Self-cleaning performance of semiconducting photocatalytic materials.
T 458 cm‑04 Surface wettability of paper (angle of contact method).
T 558 om-10 Surface wettability and absorbency of sheeted materials like paper using an automated contact angle tester.
Dynamic wetting of liquid on a solid surface can be divided into a spreading and absorption that can both be followed by contact angle measurements. Knowing the spreading rate is essential in many application segments, for example in the textile industry, coating and ink development and in detergent formulation.
The shape of a liquid front in contact with a solid substrate is determined by the interfacial forces of the participating phases (gas/liquid, gas/solid, liquid/solid, liquid/liquid). Wettability of a surface by a liquid is the actual process of spreading. Wetting can qualitatively determined with by measuring contact angles, i.e. with low contact angles indicating good wetting, and high contact angles indicating non-wetting conditions. A quantitative measure of wetting is the spreading coefficient, which helps in predicting whether or not a liquid spreads spontaneously on a solid or another liquid. The spreading coefficient is the energy difference between the solid substrate with the contacting gas and liquid phases. Since the contact angle is the primary parameter for determining spreading, suitable instruments include Theta, Theta Lite and Sigma700/701 tensiometers.
Wettability or wetting is the process that occurs when a liquid spreads and/or absorbs on a solid substrate or material. Wettability can be estimated by measuring the contact angle or by calculating the spreading coefficient.
Examples of where solid surface wettability plays a crucial role include: body implants, contact lenses, biocompatibility, printing processes, packaging, semiconductor wafers, electronic products, biofilm growth, fabrics, super-hydrophobic surfaces, self-cleaning and non-stick surfaces. In addition, the wettability of smaller objects such as, fibers, micro- and nanoparticles play an important role in stabilization and performance of many products, such as: composites, paints and coatings, inks, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food products. Wetting of a liquid on a solid surface depends on the solid surface properties as well as the liquid used. By manipulating the properties of surfaces the function or performance of a solid surface or material can be optimized for the purpose of interest. If modifying the solid surface properties is difficult, then try modifying the properties of the liquid to achieve the desired wetting characteristics. Contact angle is the primary parameter for determining wettability.